Monday, November 10, 2008

Pin It

What if? (off the subject, just this once)

I was thinking about the recent tragedy at the SPCA, when a staff person accidentally backed her car over a kitten and a pregnant cat someone placed behind her wheels. Both kitties succumbed to their injuries. The staff were understandably upset, and the unknown person behind it is now the target of anger and hatred.

Now that my own horror and shock are beginning to subside, a few nagging thoughts have floated up that I'd like to share here, as an exception to my Brindi focus. The prevailing assumption in this story is that it is the result of an intentional act. But something else occurred to me, mainly because I can't help asking, is it really true? Is there a Nova Scotian so incredibly mean and cruel that they'd deliberately do such a thing? How awful would it be if they had a very different intention, and just messed up royally? What if they meant to bring the cats to the SPCA for adoption - and for some reason choked, because they were too shy or ashamed to go inside, and just left them in the parking lot and ran off? Or similarly, what if they had gone in, were told the shelter doesn't accept "owner surrenders", and didn't know what else to do? Did they take a chance that the SPCA would have to take the cats in as strays - and the bag or box ended up getting shoved too close to the car as others walked by?

Frankly, I don't know which scenario is better, on purpose or "on" accident. But if in fact it was unintentional, I doubt that person will never be able to come clean. Nobody would believe it or forgive them.

Aside from this unpleasant speculation, the story also made me aware that the Metro Shelter doesn't accept "owner-surrendered" pets. They estimate an additional 30 extra cats a day would turn up. Where do all those cats end up instead?? Does it mean that every day, people are drowning litters of kittens - or dumping a dog on the highway - because they can't drop them at the shelter? I don't know.
What also stuck with me was the judgmental - and a bit contradictory - overtone about those pesky "irresponsible owners" who want to give up their pets. The term always hits me hard, having been called an irresponsible owner myself lately. I realize lots of people have a low opinion of their fellow humans, even their neighbors. But surely not every person wishing to give up an animal at a shelter is just a selfish, shallow twit who failed to grasp or appreciate what pet ownership really means! I mean, come on!!! And even if they were - is that a legitimate basis for turning them away? Who really suffers then? A.: The animals.

The truth is, however, there are plenty of good reasons for giving up a beloved pet. Work schedules make keeping a dog impossible; allergies crop up and/or become more severe from one day to the next; a new member of the family, by birth or marriage or adoption or whatever, has allergies; the household budget can no longer afford a pet due to job loss or the addition of new family members, young or old; seniors become too weak, ill, or poor to care for their animal companions; single people of any age contract an illness and/or disability; couples divorce, both move into apartments that don't take pets; employees transferred out of town for a year or two with no one to take their pet; and so on. These are all legitimate scenarios that any "responsible owner" may have to confront one day, and in my opinion, somebody ought to be there to help. Like many others, I had always assumed that somebody is the shelter.

Saying goodbye to a pet is awful enough; having no shelter to bring it to is a sad discovery indeed. Sure, there are private shelters, but too often they're filled to the brim (and no wonder). Running an ad in the paper or online is all well and good, but doesn't always work, and how do you invent your own screening process? And if illness is the reason, how do you find and interview prospective owners, or even use word of mouth?

What's the answer? Fortunately, many others have gotten there before us. When there's not enough room in a shelter, they continue to accept animals, and send them to foster homes, which are vastly preferable to a kennel. (That's how I ended up with Princess Amelia - I fostered her when she had her kittens, and we found we just couldn't part.) There are networks of shelters across the continent that can help redistribute the extra "animal wealth" instead of destroy it. This cooperation happens a regular basis, not just after natural disasters.

I don't have any way to learn the truth about those poor cats at the SPCA last week. We may never know. I just so hate the image of some poor soul mustering up their courage and strength to give up their pet, walking into the shelter, ready to face disapproving looks and answer a lot of personal questions, only to be turned away. What do they do then? I hate to think. But somebody better!


  1. I agree with you Francesca. What if the person placed the cats there thinking surely the staff member would approach her car and see the box behind the wheels and as you said screwed up royally. They should have to view the cats that were killed and believe me, if it wasn't intentional, that vision of them deceased will stick in their minds for many years to come. No places for animals to go, someone on a small scale tries to help, people learn about the fact that "oh drop them off at his/her house and they'll take care of them" and then what happens, OVERFLOW, NO ROOM AT SHELTERS AND THE VERY ONES TRYING TO HELP BECOME THE TARGETS AND THE WITCH HUNT BEGINS. The SPCA needs to worry about more than the purse strings because court cases are in the wind and it may turn out that the SPCA won't even be able to meet it's obligations to even run a shelter. They don't even have a President and VP yet as far as I know and I think to have charitable status federally, you have to act with a full board of executives. The spades need to be called spades, the bullshit sifted through, cut out the personality clashes and power trips and get down to trying to rehabilitate these animals and for Christ sake let Brindi go home where she has someone waiting with her own bed and all her toys and dishes just as they were when she was taken HOSTAGE by Animal Services and the SPCA. They always say it is best to spay and neuter BUT you what IRONICALLY THE ONE THING THAT IS NEEDED IN METRO RIGHT NOW IS SOMEONE WITH A SET OF BALLS TO SPEAK UP AND DO WHAT IS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This is where private rescues come in. I am sure that the front desk staff at the shelter counsel the people trying to surrender their animals that private rescues will help them because friends of mine who run private rescues get calls frequently from people who have been referred to them because they've been given their numbers by the Dartmouth shelter. So it's private rescues that are taking up the slack of the SPCA's the Bide a wiles (which is also a private shelter - but just a pretty well funded one). Most people really do want to do what's best for their companion animals and don't want to dump them - but they are very happy when they think they are going to a good place - it a good private rescue. It takes all responsibility off of them.

    You said in your post that there are "legitimate scenarios" for "repsonsible owners" to give away a pet. Hardened rescuers would beg to differ with you on that Francesca. Most of us are of the very fervent belief that companion animals are a life to death committment - you would never have a "legitamite scenario" for giving up a child would you? So why would you have one for a pet? You always do what is best for the animal, and sometimes - on very rare occasions - that is rehoming the animal - but that is the worst case scenario - 99% of the time the best place is in the home they are used to - but that is the last ditch effort. When someone comes to me personally asking to rehome their pet I always try everything I can to work with them so they can keep their pet - that's a big reason why I have my Charlie loves Halifax site.

    So long story short - where all those additional cats and dogs end up is with the private rescues, on Kijiji, people end up keeping them, and then probably only a very few are actually set loose - because I believe that there are actually not very many really cruel people out there in this place that we live called Nova Scotia.


  3. I have to agree there should be VERY LITTLE excuse to ever abondon your pet. For the most part the reasons you list certainly don't cut it for me...but that is just me.

  4. I agree, people need to realize that taking on an animal is a big responsibility -not one that should be on a "whim". I have been there trying to find a place to rent that allowed dogs. It was hard but never did I consider rehoming my dogs. I moved from state to state and back to Canada and my dogs were with me as difficult as it was sometimes. People are that cruel and do just leave their pets behind. The dogs usually get picked up but the poor cats get the worst treatment, abandoned and hungry. If the shelter took all these cats in where would they put them? People need to be educated.

  5. Well, even the last commenter said "for the most part" he didn't accept the reasons to give up a pet.
    Let's face it: nobody can predict the future. The best laid plans fall apart, even contingency plans. Being judgmental about owners doesn't help the animals, or the owners, most of whom, I'd wager, are upset already.
    It does not necessarily create more owner surrenders just because a shelter accepts them. We have only anecdotal evidence to show that there are fewer surrenders when the SPCA doesn't take them.

    When I adopted my pets, I had to sign a contract saying I would give them back only to the shelters, not to anyone else, if it became necessary. If the SPCA has this same deal, they have to take owner surrenders. If they don't have this deal, what happens then? Nobody knows.

    Why can't all solutions be used?
    There are solutions nobody's really even tried yet. Cats can live in lots of places where they'd do a lot of good, from horse farms to nursing homes,
    In a nursing home, pets do wonders. They make it possible to prescribe fewer sedatives and anti-depressants. They keep people's spirits up like nothing else can. The same is true of prisons - and there are facts to back up the mutual rehabilitative benefits for inmates and dogs; cats would add a lot to it.


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