The SPCA in Surrey, B.C., has seized a homeless man's dog because it bit a stranger — but the man says his pet was just trying to protect his owner.
Ed Chase said one of his two dogs, Raymond, was taken away almost three weeks ago (July 23 or thereabouts) and was deemed a dangerous dog by the B.C. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Chase said the SPCA has decided to put down the dog and notified him of a court proceeding on July 31. Earlier, the SPCA said it hadn't made a decision about whether the dog would be euthanized.
Chase said his dog was trying to save him after a man hit him.
Ed Chase and his dog, Darryl His other dog, Raymond, a German Shephard, was seized in mid-July.
SPCA does damage control: Surrey Now
... "It's going to trial on April 1, 2009," SPCA spokeswoman Corry Anderson-Fennell said later that day, stressing it was the city, not her organization, that asked for the destruction order."
"[BC SPCA spokesperson Lorie] Chortyk said the [$5000] fine doesn't make sense and won't be enforced..."
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Anderson-Fennell isn't quoted explaining that the BC SPCA is the City's paid enforcer. It's true that the City makes the rules, but the SPCA takes money to carry them out. It is paid to apply for destruction orders. But the SPCA doesn't have to take money to control/dispose/destroy dogs... it chooses to. Surrey could choose to run its own municipal pound and enforcement as so many other municipalities have chosen to since 2001. These new animal control municipalities all improved the standard of animal welfare over that of the SPCA which they replaced.
Animal control contracts is a subject that the BC SPCA seldom mentions, and in fact, when the public became aware of the SPCA's role as the paid dog-catcher/disposer/destroyer in Surrey, (the SPCA) tried to deflect that understanding in a Surrey Now article and in several radio interviews. What is needed in our opinion is an application through Surrey FOI to find out how many dogs the SPCA has applied to kill in the many decades it has been the paid animal control contractor for the City of Surrey, and in all municipalities where the SPCA has been the paid dog-catcher/disposer/destroyer.