She has made it through all these months, six of them without seeing me at all, being the good-natured girl she really is. She is putting up gracefully with the situation but the signs of strain are unmistakable.
Today, my city councilor, David Hendsbee, hopes to get a vote through on a resolution to add an appeal process to By-Law A300. I believe he proposed that a committee of five councilors be formed for this purpose. It would be a good way to make up for one of the bigger problems in the current system, so that an owner doesn't have to pay a fortune to go to court. It would be even better if the panel was made up of people with knowledge about dogs and dog behavior, rather than councilors, as is the case in many other cities, and since the councilors are not impartial. However, any kind of appeal would be a step in the right direction!!
There would have to be additional provisions as well, I imagine, such as restrictions on the amount of time, whether there can be an appeal of the committee's decision, etc. so that no dog has to spend eleven months and more in a pound.
Meanwhile I have not heard yet from the SPCA whether I will be able to see Brindi tomorrow.
I want to have her moved to a more suitable facility. I think it is high time.
Postscript: checking the council meeting agenda online I did not see anything about Hendsbee's resolution... not sure why.