Wednesday, August 20, 2008

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the aftermath

The news that the city decided not to grant my two requests reached me after 4 pm today. My lawyer leaving for South America tonight, until Sept. 2. I will have to file a claim to have a court-ordered assessment and order to move her to a foster home, as well as pursue a court case to release her. These added and prolonged legal procedures are likely to win, but not for some time. To continue this fight for my beautiful dog, I must risk my health, severe financial hardship, and a winter without heat. Surely this cannot be.


  1. Dear Francesca

    Yes, you did have bad news tonight. I am really sorry to hear this! Someone from Facebook sent me a message tonight, to help find a lawyer to help save Brindi. I am sending this message on to someone who might know a lawyer who deals w/animal rights. Does your presentlegal counsel deal with animal rights? You should have nothing less than this!
    I know life is full of hurdles, but PLEASE don't give up the fight! I do understand that the cost of this battle is another big burden. How about having interested people organize fundraisers? We here in Quebec, have fundraisers for various animal organizations. Let me tell you of one great lady in Eastern Ontario. She is "on her own" fighting the Quebec government regarding puppy mills. We have had a few fundraisers for her to lighten her financial load. Sure, it can take a toll on your health, but you have to be extremely strong & persevere if you can. Remember, you have many supporters from all over. I am sure a lot of people will help you further.
    My prayers are with you & Brindi.
    Carol Waterman
    Montreal, Quebec.

  2. This is so beyond frustrating. My heart goes out to you Francesca. I can only imagine how painful this is.

    One of the things that infuriates me (among many) is that taking a dog with a fear aggression and caging (kenneling) her away from her owner for weeks on end can only serve to worsen a dogs behavior. Given enough time any dog might display aggressive behaviour under those circumstances. Putting off expert evaluation is like stacking the deck against Brindi.

    I had a dominant collie/huskyX for 16 years and on occassions she would bare teeth or snap at another dog who was young and boisterous, quickly putting the other dog in his/her place. Thankfully the owners of the other dogs recognized this was normal dog behaviour and some even wished to borrow my dog for a week to help tame theirs. How easily it could have gone another way if someone decided my dog had been "threatening".

    I'm keeping you and Brindi in my thoughts.



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