Saturday, April 17, 2010

Outing the local media: your lack of morals is showing

Some media people seem to forget that Twitter is publicly accessible. They should know better, don't you think? Their lack of morals is showing as well as their ignorance of social media. Nobody really cares what a local rag claiming to be political satire says, but people expect more of the CBC and the Chronicle-Herald.

Here are tweets seen today. Some are by friends of media people. Don't get me wrong:  people are entitled to their opinions. But I can't help noticing, there is no monopoly on heartlessness.

  1. Smiles_normalJohn_Gillis RT @krisp131: Please, God, just make this story go away. RT @chronicleherald#Brindi not aggressive, trainer tells Halifax court

For all the lovely detractors I am blessed with...

This is for public knowledge: Bob Ottenbrite, the best-known trainer in Nova Scotia whose obedience course Brindi passed, said repeatedly in small claims court on March 23 that he would "love" to see Brindi come home to me and would love to work with us then. He said she is a GREAT DOG and can achieve great things. And he told me before witnesses outside of court the same day that he is CERTAIN that I won't let anything ever go wrong with Brindi again if she gets her back.
And he said in writing, which I gave to the court, and which the prosecutor did not refute or question, that he will work with me if the judge gives me my dog back.
The fact is, Bob Ottenbrite has never said anything in public against me getting Brindi back, and he swore this to me that night in March. He also vehemently claimed that he has no contact with the SPCA about Brindi, and no knowledge of comments on the internet, including the ARPO group's circulated statements about him refusing to work with me. His comments to the press about a new home were a way to appease the city. He has failed to save dogs in the past when he tried to help owners, like Thomas Roberts, whose dog Baby was destroyed after a single incident occurred. Bob simply believed his proposal to rehome Brindi might increase Brindi's chances of staying alive - it was more a sign of his lack of faith in the system than a lack of faith in me. The press never asked him a question that would have made this clear.

Here is the video that was shown in court yesterday, with footage of the assessment done on April 8, 2010.

The minority out there - a small but loud and persistent minority that has been seeking every chance to discredit me - continues to spin every fact in a way that avoids questioning the city of Halifax. The fact is, every trainer that has commented on the story, and the two trainers who have assessed Brindi, plus the trainer that helped train her, ALL oppose euthanization.
It is likely as well that none would have recommended a muzzle either. The two that assessed her did recommend a muzzle but this is because the order already existed, not because it was suggested by their direct observations from the evaluation. It is not true that they can be legally held liable for the behavior of a dog at some point in the future: they cannot bear responsibility for this, only the owner can, in the eyes of the court. However, they are understandably concerned about their reputations as business people.
This should concern people greatly. Trainers earn their living like everybody else. 
Ultimately it is not about the dog, but about business.
The problem is that the law does not contain any criteria or prescribe anything about when a muzzle is called for. Everything is left up to the discretion of animal control employees who are themselves not required to possess any training whatsoever.
And it seems that Halifax is content with this situation. 
Gary Lunn, who does animal control in the Windsor/Hantsville area, has a very low opinion of animal control in Halifax. When I spoke to him a few weeks ago, I was shocked to hear that he has put down only six dogs in his twenty years of experience. I knew Halifax has killed 31 dogs since 2007, and that it is a very high number for such a small city. The Hants area is smaller, granted. But they continue at this pace, in twenty years they will have killed over 210 dogs! Also, with the exception of two known cases, one of which was challenged but lost in court, no judge was involved in these 31 killings. The likelihood is that Animal Services told the owners that they had only one option if they wanted to save their dogs: to hire a lawyer at great expense, while dogs would be kept in the pound for the duration, which could last months or years, without being able to see them. Confronted with this, the owners sign the dogs over to the city for extermination, believing it was more humane.
When he came to my house the time he said he'd fine me (which he later arbitrarily changed to a muzzle order), the animal control officer Tim Hamm told me that the pound was a terrible place, and the dogs were rarely walked - i.e., prepping me for the next time when he would seize Brindi, so that I'd also be willing to sign her over as well. Wrong.
The letter announcing euthanization had been booked for Brindi that he handed me on July 24, 2008, as he prepared to seize Brindi, advised me I could also hire a lawyer if I wanted to oppose it. 
However, it should now be painfully obvious that the city not only refuses due process to dog owners in this predicament; it has no intention of ever allowing an owner the chance to get a dog back, even through the courts. In fact, I believe no owner has ever succeeded. 
The city simply does not entertain the possibility that an owner could or should get the dog back, whether or not it made a mistake. Its infallibility is insured by the possession of absolute power (thanks to a bad law) and an inexhaustible supply of taxpayer money.
Left to their own devices by the mayor and the elected council, Halifax city staff devote all their energy to preventing an owner from even getting into court. The animal services staff do this by intimidating them as I described above, and the legal staff do this by refusing to listen to anyone about the case, including trainers, and by delaying the proceedings as much as possible, should they actually file suit. I refer to the six months it took to get to the supreme court - three months were sheer blocking by HRM - and to the use of charges to get a judge to issue a kill order as "an additional penalty" - i.e., not as a means of insuring public safety against an incorrigible animal. This is not about animal control. It is about the relentless march of power - which is most absolute, it seems, at the municipal level.
The irony is that when I managed to find the secret location of the animal services office and tried to reason with them, supervisor Lori Scolaro told me that if I could get the law changed, things would be different and Brindi would be free. Well, as you know, I did change the law, Lori. What about your end of the deal??
Instead, Lori was in court yesterday, advising the prosecutor what to say. Several times, she knelt down at his side and whispered something he should tell the judge, including a fiction that is just as repugnant as it is unlikely: that the 31 dogs put down were a matter of owners coming to HRM to ask them to take the dogs off their hands and put them down!!! I really, really hope the judge doesn't give any credence to such a sick way to wash the blood from their hands. No vet would put a healthy dog down for the city because a resident just asked it to.
The city's war against dogs is also ensured victory by the support, indirectly or directly, of the SPCA, headed by Kristin Williams, and of detractors like Joan Sinden, Angela Granchelli, Gail Gallant, Heather Morrison, and Wayne Croft, who are not strong enough to effectively challenge a city denying Charter rights, but see no reason not to defame a private person all over the internet and the media. For people like this, it is not "all about the dog", ever.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Indian Givers*

* No offense intended to first nations people; this is an old expression that actually refers to the powers that be, not the native people subjected to their mercy.

I have learned the hard way in the last year and eight months not to count on anything to work out, even the most definite and well-prepared things. But today Halifax went back on its word in a way that I never anticipated.

click on this image to see it larger:

In early December, HRM's lawyer, Kishan Persaud, agreed to allow me to have a vet go examine Brindi. He reconfirmed it several times since then. From then until early March, I tried to schedule an actual appointment twice, in fact, hoping to have results by the end of the trial, but to no avail. The vet went on vacation at one point, and also, the dates did not work out. I advised HRM that she can only do it on Mondays and Tuesdays, but both times, the SPCA (who was given the power to set the date) offered a Wednesday only. After the last failure, I had to turn my attention to preparing for the rest of the trial and on getting a new assessment, which became a saga unto itself and led to the delay of another month and a half. Once the third attempt at an assessment finally succeeded last week (barely), I came back to organizing the vet exam, and luckily my vet was available this week. By yesterday, I did all the necessary notifying and calling. 

Today, just before 2 pm, I heard from my vet that the pound said she could not do the exam. I told her I was sure it was a matter of lack of communication. I hunted down an HRM fax from January 6 that referred to the vet visit, thinking I would fax it to the pound. I also called the city to get them to tell the pound they had permission. That proved difficult, but I persisted until I was lucky enough to get the right human on the phone, only to learn that HRM is now refusing permission. They will not grant access to Brindi until and unless I get an order from the court - the Supreme Court. When I asked why the change was made, I was told there was no reason - in those words exactly.

The provincial judge decided in December and January, respectively, that she has no jurisdiction over anything when it came to getting a court order for this, or for getting visits, or for transferring Brindi to a place suited for long-term care. I do not fully understand this, as the judge obviously does have the power to kill my dog. As far as I know, the provincial court is supposed to have jurisdiction over all municipal matters, including by-law infractions. All I know is that the judge and the HRM lawyer agreed that I would have to go to the Supreme Court - even to get visis. This of course would require extra paperwork, a few more trips downtown, and several months of time to get on the docket, and who knows if it would work? The fact is, clerks and judges from the two levels of courts waged a fine tennis game for much of the time since January 2009, ever since HRM refused to give Brindi back. My lawyers were told various things and speculated various ways on which court to apply to, so nobody really knows. The city's action effectively put Brindi and me into no-man's-land. No due process is a given; but how can you even take action yourself, at your own expense, when nobody knows which court to go to?

It so happens that Brindi had another pancreatitis attack sometime in the last two weeks. She may have become ill again right after she was transferred to the new pound, but I don't know for sure. Nobody told me about the attack at all; I found out by chance. I suspected it, after I glimpsed her shaved paw in the video clips Bob Riley was able to take during part of the assessment. (He was not allowed to film all of the assessment, which reminds me of another thing HRM changed its mind about. I asked for and got permission for it to be filmed, all of it, well in advance, with lots of faxes involved. But when the day came, Bob was told he could film only the outdoor part.) Brindi's shaved paw indicated to me that she must have been on an IV recently - something only an attack, or possibly blood tests, would necessitate.

So I only heard about the recent attack of Brindi's illness, which she contracted sometime last summer while in the care of the SPCA, because yesterday, in order to arrange for the vet's visit, I called the new pound, Homeward Bound, and happened to ask about her paw. I was told that she had "tummy problems" and on further questioning, they confirmed that yes, it was pancreatitis.

They cannot possibly blame this one on me. Not that they could plausibly blame me for earlier attacks either, of course. This time, I know the culprits are the people working for the shelter and maybe the new pound - for certain, the SPCA staff gave her treats they were not supposed to. I know this because in the CBC radio documentary aired last Sunday, the shelter manager is heard to say this very clearly, laughingly. Never mind that she treated me like a criminal, without any proof, and on that empty basis, decided to prohibit me from seeing Brindi outdoors, so that they could watch me more closely, since it was all my fault that she got sick (not possible, according to my vet).

Re visits, in our telephone conversation a few weeks ago, the HRM lawyer, Kishan Persaud, led me to believe that visits would be possible at the new pound, as the SPCA was presumably the reason for problems before. The city has of course claimed that it was the reason for cutting off visits, but that makes it even less acceptable, because the city has no reason to cut off visits. There is nothing preventing visits, no law or rule or written policy anywhere.

The new pound operator was supposedly going to have a place for long-term care. This is good, because their facility in Burnside has a woefully tiny outdoor space for the use of all its animals, devoid of any organic surfaces or materials. While stray dogs that are picked up and deposited there by Animal Services may presumably be taken for walks, HRM prohibits walks for impounded dogs, so the only outside space they see is a fenced in area the size of about two parking spaces. This photo shows it at the rear of the pound, which is ensconced in a row of retail spaces in Burnside:

SO I got the above fax at 3:30 pm. The vet was scheduled to see Brindi at 2 pm, as I notified yesterday by fax. (I have to do everything in writing; they will not speak to me on the phone, regardless of the reason.)
This fax came after I called Persaud when the vet told me the pound told her they had no permission to allow the exam. I had to track him down at court, because he was not in his office; Tuesdays are court days. Rather than leave voicemail, which is truly "speaking into the void" (apologies to Adolf Loos), I called his assistant, who said she knew nothing about the visit or permission, or when Persaud would be back. She was kind enough to give me his cell number, though, and sure enough, he answered, since he was not before a judge at the time. When I asked about the vet exam, he said I was supposed to have gotten a fax reply today, and that he had dictated it this morning, blah blah blah. "Didn't you get it?" He also acted as though he thought the vet visit granted ("as a courtesy") already took place - a convenient lapse of memory on his part, I dare say. But when I rehearsed that history, he didn't change a thing. HRM goes back on its word without explanation, just as it did everything in this case without explanation. (I can't say I blame them for not explaining, because it would be a joke anyway, but still...)

What this does to my health, who can say, but it's not good. I definitely felt my blood pressure rise a few more notches, and my guts twist just a few more turns. I've been watching clips of Absolutely Fabulous on youtube to get back my peace of mind, fragile as it is. On a practical level, the calling and the faxing has wasted precious hours. Logically, and legally, and of course, in terms of the welfare of my dog, there is absolutely no reason for what HRM says in this fax. I am prevented from looking out for my dog's welfare, something I have good reason to be concerned about, as the facts totally back that up. But nobody cares. I tried to call David Hendsbee today, but there was a city council meeting and it went on all day and evening, including a closed, secret session. I tried calling police superintendent Bill Moore and the head of the legal department, Mary Ellen Donovan, about the vet visit, but neither of them were in.

I found out a few more upsetting things as well today and in the past weeks but I am too upset to post them now. One has to do with the case in New Brunswick and the issue of the city not having legal authority to hold Brindi. Another is that, according to the CBC, Homeward Bound promised HRM it would never speak to the press. But more on these and other things later.

At least the assessment is done, and it went well, as I knew it would, even though Brindi has been denied any contact (even visual) with other dogs since December 2008 (that's what I'm told, anyhow). And yesterday, Bob Ottenbrite, backing up what he said to me a few weeks ago in front of a judge  (his words, spoken vehemently and repeated variously, were, "I would love to see you get Brindi back, and I would love to work with you and her!" He also denied ever saying he was against me getting her back. Take that, ARPO and the Chronicle-Herald!) was kind enough to send me an email saying, "I will have no problem working with you and Brindi if the judge decides to give her back to you." 

Those are both very good developments. Whether they are enough to get Brindi back, remains to be seen. 

UPDATE: Superintendent Moore returned my call the next morning 9. I explained the situation and he said he would make inquiries about the decision on the vet visit and get back to me.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Letter from India

Lots going on, no time to blog about it quite yet. In the meantime, however, this was shared by Inez Rufus in India.

One thing's for sure: it's unlikely that the HRM councilors and mayor have ever gotten so many messages from so many far-flung places on every continent except Antarctica! Too bad they do not reply to the majority of them. Inez wrote to me that she has sent many emails so far, "but not one has even been acknowledged.

Inez Rufus  April 10 at 1:59am
Dear Mr. Moore,

I live in India and have been following Brindi's story from its inception. I am shocked at how the Candian legal system works!

Please let Francesca visit Brindi. Try and negotiate a resolution to this craziness so Brindi can go home to Francesca.

I own a dog and this situation would have sent me over the edge. Kudos to Francesca for staying in the game.

Please use whatever powers you have as Superintendent to bring this heart-rending separation to an end. PLEASE!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Letter from Cyprus

It is really something to get messages of support from around the world. Sometimes they really give me pause. When I was studying Berlin, I read a masters thesis on another divided city, namely Cyprus. This morning, I received this note from a very kind woman living in that city. I thought I'd share it here, and will be posting a few other letters on the Support Brindi page as well.  

Dear Brindi and Francesca,

I can only wish like many others that we had the power to bring Brindi home so all I can do us send you my wishes and thoughts on brining you both together and home again soon. These are times that I feel ashamed to be called human and I hope they bring Humanity back, Convicted killers have the right to live, why and how a dog becomes a victim of the law is a question, in taking the responsibility of humanity and offering you support to help to give Brindi the care and love needed…. a simple action on their behalf was overlooked and they took actions which are shameful acts of humanity.

My heart and mind is with you both xxx

Terisa Vlamis
Student of Canine Psychology

Meanwhile, Brindi is scheduled for an assessment (again) this morning. I'm off to make sure it happens. 
This is the third try since February!! More on that later. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Is there any better argument to revise the animal control laws to reflect how much North Americans value their pets (and the number of people who own them)? Is there any better argument why I want and need to have my Brindi back?

Pet owners look to four-legged friends for emotional support before family
Your partner's relationship with your dog may be closer than you thought and it might be going on behind your back.

Your partner's relationship with your dog may be closer than you thought and it might be going on behind your back.

Photograph by:,

NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) - Have you ever had the feeling that your loved one misses the dog more than you when he or she is away on a business trip? You may be right.
A third of Americans admit to pining for their pooches more than their partners when out of town. But maybe that's because nine out of ten of them feel their pet is more pleased to see them after a hard day at work and is even more likely to notice when they've had a bad day.
Your partner's relationship with your dog may be closer than you thought and it might be going on behind your back. Around one is seven dog owners say they have "shared a look" with their dogs at least once and even more than that claim to be able to read their pet's facial expressions.
And ever wondered what's behind the long gaze into pooch's big brown eyes? Your partner may be one of a third of dog owners who swear it's an entire "conversation" without words.
And it doesn't stop there.
Many Americans turn to their four-legged friends for solace before friends and family. Nearly two thirds believe their dogs are more dependable than their closest comrades and over 70 percent would rather go for a walk with pooch when feeling uptight than hang out with their best buddy.
These are the results of a survey commissioned by dog snack maker Pup-Peroni that questioned over 1000 U.S. dog owners about the feelings they have for the pup in their life. The hold dogs have over their owners' emotions is striking.
Over two thirds say they feel more guilty about leaving their dog behind when traveling than leaving friends or loved ones. A majority say their pooch makes them feel happy, loved and relaxed.

More Worries: A Dog Bit a Man in the Pound

ED: Since the papers did not specify what kind of pest control was being used, my concerns are understandable. Anonymous comments came in, ostensibly from SPCA people or people close to them, saying that the pest control company was there to deal with mice. I wonder why they don't use cats instead, to save money, but whatever...

So today, I learn that a dog bit a man in the SPCA pound, a pest control guy, and he had to go to the hospital to have it treated. They made a point of saying it wasn't Brindi. Nice to know, but that was and is never my worry. My concern is, how the heck did it happen, and what was the pest control man doing in that area? Was he spraying pesticides? Why did they need him?

The day she was taken away  - literally behind my back -  Brindi was in perfect health, top condition, had all her shots, check-ups, everything. Not an ounce of extra fat, no sagging, just trim muscle. No health problems at all. Nothing.

Pancreatitis showed up early last fall, with daily vomiting. About a year ago, she had a cancer scare with four cysts on her back that thankfully turned out to be due to blocked pores (indicating a lack of bathing/brushing - lack of care). Her velvety black muzzle went white, and I'd say prematurely, probably due to stress. Her once beautiful white teeth and gums are disastrous, with some permanent enamel damage. You can see them and her black muzzle in my photos, like the one on Support Brindi. I didn't get to check them till last April, but the SPCA refused to do a cleaning. About a month later I got a letter reporting the enamel, yet she still didn't get a dental cleaning by a vet. Instead the staff gave her an oral rinse, and now they are brushing her teeth daily. I'm afraid that is not going to remove the black from her bottom teeth, the tartar on her eyeteeth, or the permanent encrustations on her molars. A BONE would have done the job, and since she is supposed to be separated from other dogs, there should be no problem. In fact she could enjoy a bone outside, away from the other dogs, couldn't she? But no.
Her first bone
I'm sure her life is shortened already. I don't think they've renewed her vaccines, keep wanting to ask, and that's another worry. Asking means going through the HRM lawyer, by fax, because I cannot simply call the shelter and ask them, that's forbidden.

But as of today, I have to worry about something else: the use of chemicals - seriously deadly chemicals - in the shelter. And the reason for those chemicals is another worry.  What kinds of pests have to be controlled??? How did they get there? What kinds of diseases do they carry?
here's what my friend Holly wrote to me:

Was he spraying pesticides at the time? Were his feet covered so he was not exposed to the chemicals? Were the dogs' feet covered? Did the dogs have masks on? Was the area allowed to dry and was it properly ventilated before animals were returned to the area? Were their bowls removed and washed during this spraying?

I have no idea!!! And I can't figure out how to find out.

Most of the chemicals shelters buy to kill the various germs and pathogens and such (beyond fleas, they are spraying to cut down on infectious disease like parvo, bordatella, coccidiosis, etc.) are highly dangerous while they are wet. I have a few containers of stuff I bought and never used because of the strong warnings on them.

Does the shelter undergo any kind of health inspection? Who knows? But something is wrong. And I want my dog back, please. It might be too late to prevent her from getting cancer, but I want her back, please. I don't understand how this happened, but clearly, somebody is responsible. Or irresponsible. Will they be charged under A300? I doubt it. But they should be, because there was a serious lack of control.

The funny thing is, there is a contingent, a minority that is persistent and loud, that likes to argue that I don't care about Brindi anymore, I'm just fighting the city for a principle, or for fun, or for the glory, as if a person would do that. How twisted can you be?? Maybe they, unlike countless others, just cannot imagine what it is like to have your best friend and companion locked up out of your sight for endless days and nights. That's the only way that somebody could possibly blame me for Brindi being in the pound in the first place, a decision that was totally arbitrary, not supported by any law or order, and totally contrary to the routine handling of cases here.

They say that I didn't keep Brindi safe?? On the contrary! She was always safe with me. She was also fed the best food (NutriSource), given tons of exercise and love and attention, and lots of socialization with kids, adults, dogs, cats, pheasants, you name it. She was bathed regularly, though she didn't like it so much, and she went with me just about everywhere; she was rarely left alone. I can't remember ever leaving her, except for ten days, when I visited my mom. She was mad that I left her at the kennel - and there, she could run free with other dogs in special large runs, and she never had any problems.

It's in the SPCA's pound that she's had all these health problems. They are not a product of her age. She was barely five when they took her. They blame the city for not allowing her and other dogs to be walked. They are the SPCA!!! They prosecute people for neglecting animals! How can they justify willingly taking orders that they know are not good for the animals in their care, and possibly against the law? A contract is no excuse - it would not work for me, if somebody paid me to take care of animals and ordered me not to walk them or give them proper food, or if I exposed them to deadly pesticides. I would be charged with neglect, if not cruelty.

By law, the SPCA are required to protect animal welfare, every animal. They do not exist to make money off of risking my dog's health. It's a good thing they lost the pound contract, because it clearly demonstrates what Nathan Winograd says about a conflict of interest. One can resolve a conflict of interest if it is done up front, and arrangements are made. But this has never occurred to anybody, apparently. If it had, they doubtless would have seen to it that Brindi was given back to me.

I'm sorry, but I get shocks like this every other day, it seems, and it really gets to me. I just can't yell loudly enough or long enough to release the anger that I feel, or cry hard and long enough to get the pain and sadness out, when I think about how happy and gorgeous and FIT and HEALTHY she was when they took her!! I just can't, it's not physically possible. So it gets pushed down, and who knows, one day it could turn up as cancer for me. My mind and soul just cannot deal with it, when I think about what her future is going to be like - what diseases are down the road? What complications can she get from the pancreatitis? It's a good thing I got health insurance for her, I think, but it won't stop her from getting cancer from all these chemicals.

If I talked and thought just about Brindi and her welfare on the day to day basis, I would be a total wreck. What am I saying? I do talk and think about her every day, and I AM a total wreck! My nerves are shattered - court is enough to do that, but it's the ongoing ordeal, she's not dead, but she's not with me, and my mind just cannot grasp this. Rudy is gone, she won't ever see him again. The weekly visits were a horrible, horrible torture that left me useless for the following two days, yet I can hardly bear not having them. I'm desperate to get my vet to do an exam on her; been trying for months to work out an arrangement. I now have to pay a trainer hundreds of dollars to do the behavior assessment on her, because the ones who were donating their time and patiently waited at the SPCA to see her (in vain) are no longer available.

So do I care about Brindi? Is there anybody on earth who cares more? Do these people really think I took all these photos of her just because I wanted to fight with the city someday and they would come in handy? Do they think I moved to East Chezzetcook just so I could get on the TV news and become a target of threats and harassment from strangers, and ridicule from city employees and the media?


I moved here to get a break from living in cities, even though I love them; I wanted to get off the beaten track and rest from a very challenging, non-stop career so I could enrich my life; I came here to be near the ocean that I love, to do yoga, to volunteer helping animals and get a peace pole erected; I came here to live in Canada, because I could no longer support my native country's disastrous path of war and destruction; I came to Nova Scotia, because I'm from an Atlantic state and love the east coast;  I came here to take on a residential project all my own, to turn a long-neglected 100-year old cottage into a great little house that works off the grid; I chose my house after months of searching, and I spent more months talking to contractors and suppliers and drawing up a design and figuring out the construction, just like I spent months and months searching for a dog, and that dog turned out to be Brindi, ignored by others for over two years in a shelter, and who I spent months and months training, having her spayed and vaccinated and microchipped and socialized at every opportunity, and who turned out to be a really great, smart, affectionate, and gorgeous dog that I love with all my heart. And yes, who turned out to have an unknown issue that was totally uncharacteristic, and about which I consulted her trainer for advice, and which, nevertheless, did not lead to a serious injury or a killing, nothing close to it.

But to get back to the question: no, I didn't come here to attract attention. Um, definitely not.

I'm so glad I did take photos of my baby girl, and a few videos, because thanks to them, people have somehow fallen in love with her. But they can't ever know quite how special she is, what it was like to see her every morning, when she'd sit perfectly still near the door as taught, while I leashed her up to go out, gazing up at me with her big sparkly brown eyes while I put on the gentle leader, and later, the muzzle - her look of utter joy, trust, gratitude, brimming in anticipation of a nice brisk walk through the fields. I got to have that gift of joy every day and it kept me going through the some of hardest times in my life. In the spring and summer of 2008, it was Brindi's face, her love and joy every morning and night, that got me through the frustrating, exhausting work of getting the excavation done through solid bedrock and waiting for the guys to finally pour some concrete. At the end of each day, it was her happy face and wagging tail that made it all worthwhile.

They only got the footings done by the time Brindi was taken away. And by then, the contractor, who had long since proven incompetent and incredibly untruthful, was no longer around at all, skipping out on a detailed contract with finish deadlines. He left the ramps without railings, he left the property torn up and lined with mounds of rocks making a fence impossible, and he managed to lie over and over to me, to the bank, to Price Waterhouse Cooper, and a host of other companies and workers and clients, and then simply disappear, abandoning his own girlfriend with no food and no electricity.

I was just starting to figure out the next step, on a wonderful summer day, when Brindi and I had just had the best time together, and she was incredibly obedient and happy, making great progress on everything, when this white truck and two men turned up saying impossible things and just took her away, while I screamed and screamed and screamed.

And in my misery, I was still so certain it would only take a matter of days to get her back, because it was so clearly a mistake, they could not put this dog down!

What did I know??

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What About Owners' Rights?

A very kind person from the south shore area has sent a letter to the Chronicle-Herald and was nice enough to forward it to me. Given the Herald's recent tendencies, I am not expecting it to be published, so I posted it with the other letters on

She writes,

"First of all, it is now very interesting that people such as Bob Ottenbrite are now on record as saying that Brindi is a good dog...

"What I don't understand is why all these animal advocates are not also advocating for the owner's rights here.  Under the law, Ms. Rogier is entitled to the same rights as others who have been charged with animal control by-law offences and that is to pay the fines and have Brindi returned to her. Others with much more serious offenses all have their dogs with them today.  Since Brindi's incarceration, Ms. Rogier has been subjected to all manner of financial and emotional torture.  Her visits with Brindi at the SPCA were initially banned, then severally curtailed with numerous written conditions attached that I'm not sure were even constitutional...

"Who authorized Mr. Ottenbrite "and others" to make arrangements for a suitable home for Brindi? As I understand it, Ms. Rogier is still Brindi's owner, an owner who has fought tooth and nail to first, save her dog from a wrongful execution, and second have her returned to her own home where she is well loved and cared for.  Who else has stood by Brindi these past two years, literally putting everything on the line for the love of this animal?  What kind of home could be more suitable than the one Ms. Rogier can provide for Brindi?"

I really appreciate this letter. I have been trying to get the same message across for so long, it's kind of a surprise to see it in somebody else's words.  This battle is difficult enough. I thought proving that Brindi is not dangerous (too dangerous to live...) was the issue. Being held to a different (unwritten) standard than all other dog owners in Halifax is a bit much. Since I am going to be fined, as the by-law requires, I just don't see why the issue of ownership is being forced into court in a case that does not involve major injuries to anybody. 

I get suggestions from people all over - "Show that photo from the SPCA to the judge!" Done; also sent to the media and the council and the mayor. "Send that list of other dog owners' offenses and penalties to the council and to the court!" Done, in the first; the judge declined it in the trial, but I can show it in the sentencing hearing.

In fact, to make it easier for everybody, I should probably post a list of all the things I have done and others have done on my behalf: letters to the Dog Whisperer, Ellen, Oprah, and various other animal-loving celebrities; contacts to the Animal Legal Defense Fund; calls to lawyers by the dozen; letters to every level of government; some even wrote the prime minister (which took me aback, frankly). 

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Year-Old Appeal to HRM From Qualified Trainer Ready to Help: "I support her return"

NOTE: This letter was sent to the lawyer for HRM who was then prosecuting the case. He was replaced by outside counsel Geoff Newton a few months later. 
Mr. Efthymiadis was not granted access to assess Brindi on Feb. 27, although permission was granted and all parties were notified the day before of his schedule and the 10 am appointment.
Quality K9
Mr. Joshua J. Judah, Municipal Solicitor
HRM Legal Services
P. O. Box 1749
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 3A5

April 16, 2009

Dear Mr. Judah:

            Today I am writing with a plea for restoration for a dog named Brindi. My name is Ted Efthymiadis, I am a professional dog trainer located in Halifax Nova Scotia. I studied professional obedience & behavior with Tarheel K9 (,
 which is located in Sanford North Carolina. Tarheel K9 specializes in teaching dog trainers the skills to train dog obedience, dog behavior, drug detection, search and rescue, dog behavior modification, police protection among others. My dog training days go back four years, I starting specializing in dog obedience. My love for dogs soon evolved to training protection, behavior modification and drug detection. I now specialize in training with dominant and aggressive dogs. The (CAPPDT), Canadian Association of Professional Pet Dog Trainers has certified me as a professional in good standing.

            Many months ago, I heard of Brindi's case in the newspaper. In all honestly, I was shocked that this dog had not been release within a month of being detained. From what I have heard and read of Brindi, I am absolutely confident this dog is able to be rehabilitated within 3 months or less, ultimately I believe this dog is capable of being a good member in her community. I have personally worked with dogs much more aggressive than Brindi, with great success. My business generally caters to larger aggressive dogs like Boxers, Cane Corsos, German Shepherds and Pit Bull's. On a scale of 1/10, Brindi's case at most would be a 5/10.

            I have had personal contact with Brindi's owner at length and I am confident in her willingness to change the way she handles her dog. She seems very interested in learning how to properly deal with her dog and trusts my professional opinion in dealing with dogs of all shapes and sizes. Because I believe so dearly that this dog should not be held any longer, I support her return to her owner, and am willing to offer, and monitor to the fullest extent of my ability, a full rehabilitation program for this dog and owner free of charge.

Best Regards,

Ted Efthymiadis
